Monday, May 24, 2010

Is My Blog Obsolete?

I haven't posted in a long while.  As you may have guessed, I finally got a job!  I have spent the last month trying to learn all I can about a new area of law, and trying to learn all my new co-workers' names.  I'm doing better with learning the new area of law.  What can I say?  Remembering names has always been a weakness of mine.  

I started this blog to apply life lessons as I went through the job hunting process, but now that I have a job I'm realizing that the task of being ethical is greater than ever.  Now that I have a job that is more demanding, the task of balancing all my hats has become demanding as well.  What I have learned so far is that, while I would like to juggle all my responsibilities, the truth is that there will emerge a standing order of priorities.  For me, my job as a mother trumps all else.  When my child is sick, the earth stops rotating on its axis and everything else is forced to take a back seat.  I'm learning that this is a luxury, because my legal duty to my client requires that I get things done in a timely manner.  

In the end, all I can do is fall down on my knees and ask for guidance.  I prayed long and hard for a job, and now that I have one, I'm realizing that I have to continue to pray long and hard:  for the patience required to do my job well, for the energy required to be all that I can be at work and then be all that I can be at home, for the love and understanding of my family as I go through this new transition.

This new job is like a brand new pair of shoes that haven't quite been broken in yet.  They look great, but they hurt to walk in.  I'm a little bit in pain right now, dealing with the mental olympics of practicing law at long last.  I love how it looks on me, but the transition isn't going as smoothly as I planned.  Such is life, however.  We plan and God plans.

So back to the original question:  Is my blog obsolete?  My answer for now is no.  There are still a whole host of challenges facing this new lawyer/mom/wife/religious education instructor/whatever else is on my plate.  So expect more posts coming your way.