Monday, December 21, 2009

Its nice to say: You're NOT hired

Since August I've applied to a million jobs.  Ok, maybe not a million.  But it feels like a million.  In that time, only 2 potential employers were courteous enough to send me a letter letting me know that I did not get the job.  I thought it was a common practice to send the "thank you, but no thank you" letter.  But apparently its a rarity.

I think of all the effort I put into my resume and cover letter, writing samples and professional references, not to mention the follow-up thank you cards/emails.  And to have all that effort be unrequited seems just wrong.  So it leads me to this...

Dear potential employer:
It is ok to tell me that I did not get the job.  I know that no one likes to be the bearer of bad news, but sometimes we have to be adults and do things that we don't like to do.  Don't have me waiting by the phone, checking my email, hoping upon hope that I will hear from you.  Let me move on.  Give me some closure.  And allow me to still respect you and your business ethic when the process is all over.  Maybe you are trying to cover your tracks, trying to keep me as a backup just in case your first choice doesn't pan out.  Well I will not be your side chick!  I am looking forward to encountering the potential employer who will see me and my resume for the fabulousness that we are!  In any event, may God bless you and keep you is my prayer.

In general, its difficult for us to tell the hard truths.  We don't like to tell people no.  We are sometimes so afraid that the truth will hurt that we lie or say nothing at all.  And let me tell you, that hurts just as much.  So I'm pledging to be honest, truthful, and responsive in all my endeavors, even when its not convenient.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  This is the golden rule.

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